odigos sources update

Update Odigos Sources


This command will update the named Source object or any Source objects that match the provided Workload info. If a [name] is provided, that Source object will be updated in the given namespace using the —namespace (-n) flag.

odigos sources update [name] [flags]


For example, to update the Source named "mysource-abc123" in namespace "myapp", run:

$ odigos sources update mysource-abc123 -n myapp <flags>

Multiple Source objects can be updated at once using the --workload-name, --workload-kind, and --workload-namespace flags.
These flags are AND-ed so that if any of these flags are provided, all Sources that match the given flags will be updated.

For example, to update all Sources for StatefulSet workloads in the cluster, run:

$ odigos sources update --workload-kind=StatefulSet --all-namespaces <flags>

To update all Deployment Sources in namespace Foobar, run:

$ odigos sources update --workload-kind=Deployment --workload-namespace=Foobar <flags>


$ odigos sources update --workload-kind=Deployment -n Foobar <flags>

These flags can be used to batch update Sources, or as an alternative to updating a Source by name (for instance, when
the name of the Source might not be known, but the Workload information is known). For example:

$ odigos sources update --workload-kind=Deployment --workload-name=myapp -n myapp-namespace <flags>

This command will update any Sources in the namespace "myapp-namespace" that instrument a Deployment named "myapp"

It is important to note that if a Source [name] is provided, all --workload-* flags will be ignored to update only the named Source.


      --all-namespaces              apply to all Kubernetes namespaces
      --disable-instrumentation     Disable instrumentation for Source
      --group string                Name of Source group to use
  -h, --help                        help for update
  -n, --namespace string            Kubernetes Namespace for Source (default "default")
      --otel-service string         OpenTelemetry service name to use for the Source
      --remove-group string         Group name to be removed from the Source (if set)
      --set-group string            Group name to be applied to the Source
      --workload-kind string        Kubernetes Kind for entity (one of: Deployment, DaemonSet, StatefulSet, Namespace)
      --workload-name string        Name of entity for Source
      --workload-namespace string   Namespace of entity for Source
      --yes                         skip the confirmation prompt

Options inherited from parent commands

      --kube-context string   (optional) name of the kubeconfig context to use
      --kubeconfig string     (optional) absolute path to the kubeconfig file (default "KUBECONFIG")
  -v, --verbose               enable verbose output