eBPF-Based Instrumentation
eBPF-Based Instrumentation is currently available with the Odigos Enterprise plan.
Contact us for more information.
For Native Instrumentation click here.
Supported Versions
Odigos eBPF-Based NodeJS Instrumentation requires a NodeJS runtime version of 14 and above.
Odigos Enterprise data collection is done using eBPF, so Odigos requires, at minimum, platforms that have underlying Linux kernel versions of 5.4.0.
Instrumentation Libraries
The following npm packages will be auto instrumented by Odigos:
HTTP Frameworks
versions>=3.0.0 <5
. http web application frameworkhttp
http server and client moduleshttps
https server and client modules@hapi/hapi
versions>=17.0.0 <22
. http web application frameworkrestify
versions>=4.0.0 <12
. http web application frameworkrouter
versions>=1.0.0 <2
. http middleware router
HTTP Clients
RPC (Remote Procedure Call)
versions>=1.0.0 <2
. rpc client and server for gRPC framework