eBPF-Based NodeJS Instrumentation
eBPF-Based NodeJS Instrumentation is currently available with the Odigos Enterprise plan. Contact us for more information.
NodeJS Runtime Requirements
Odigos eBPF-Based NodeJS Instrumentation requires a NodeJS runtime version of 14 and above.
Instrumentation Libraries
The following npm packages will be auto instrumented by Odigos:
HTTP Frameworks
versions>=3.0.0 <5
. http web application frameworkhttp
http server and client moduleshttps
https server and client modules@hapi/hapi
versions>=17.0.0 <22
. http web application frameworkrestify
versions>=4.0.0 <12
. http web application frameworkrouter
versions>=1.0.0 <2
. http middleware router
HTTP Clients
RPC (Remote Procedure Call)
versions>=1.0.0 <2
. rpc client and server for gRPC framework