In this tutorial we are going to use Odigos for generating distributed traces for a microservices-based application written in Go, Java, Python, .NET and Node.js.

We are going to deploy the application in a Kubernetes cluster and use Jaeger as the backend for storing and visualizing the traces.

Preparing the environment

Creating a Kubernetes cluster

This first step is to create a Kubernetes cluster. We recommend using kind or minikube for trying Odigos out in a local environment.

Mac users: please avoid using Docker Desktop built-in Kubernetes cluster as it does not support bind propagation.

Create a new local Kubernetes cluster, by running the following command:

kind create cluster

Deploying the target application

We are going to install a demo application that consists of 5 microservices written in Go, Java, Python, .NET and Node.js.

Architecture of demo application

Deploy the application using the following command:

kubectl apply -f

Deploying Jaeger

Jaeger is a popular open source distributed tracing backend. We are going to use it for storing and visualizing the traces generated by Odigos.

Install Jaeger using the following command:

kubectl apply -f

Waiting for the applications to start

Before moving to the next step, make sure that the application pods and Jaeger pods are running, this may take a few minutes.

kubectl get pods -n tracing
kubectl get pods -n default
Pods ready