You can configure odigos installation using the following options:

Ignore Namespaces

Don’t show specific uninteresting namespaces in the Odigos UI.

Default values: kube-system, local-path-storage, istio-system, linkerd, kube-node-lease

Add additional namespaces to ignore with cli:

odigos install --ignore-namespace <namespace1> --ignore-namespace <namespace2>

List all namespaces to be ignored with helm chart:

helm install odigos odigos/odigos --set ignoreNamespace=<namespace1>,<namespace2>

Any odigos-instrumentation label on the namespace and workloads in the namespace will still be honored.

Ignore Containers

This option is useful for excluding specific sidecar containers from being instrumentated by odigos.

Default values: istio-proxy

Add additional containers to ignore with cli:

odigos install --ignore-container <container1> --ignore-container <container2>

List all containers to be ignored with helm chart:

helm install odigos odigos/odigos --set ignoreContainer=<container1>,<container2>