Kubernetes Version

Odigos requires Kubernetes version 1.23.0 or higher.

Odigos Enterprise data collection is done using eBPF, so Odigos requires, at minimum, platforms that have underlying Linux kernel versions of 5.4.0.

What to expect if some nodes don’t meet the Kernel requirement:

  • eBPF Agents: If a node’s kernel version is below 5.4.0, eBPF-based data collection will not be applied to workloads on that node. An error will appear in the UI for any source running on unsupported nodes, indicating that instrumentation was not possible.
  • Non-eBPF Agents: Non-eBPF-based agents are not affected by kernel version requirements and will run and instrument workloads on any Linux version.

This allows users to maintain observability on nodes that meet the requirements without needing to upgrade all cluster nodes immediately.

Kubernetes Cluster Types