Manage the connection of the cluster to Odigos cloud


This command can be used to interact with the Odigos cloud service.

  • Check the current status of your Odigos cloud installation:
odigos cloud
  • Login to Odigos cloud
odigos cloud login -k <API_KEY>
  • Refersh the Odigos cloud api token
odigos cloud update -k <API_KEY>
  • Logout from Odigos cloud
odigos cloud logout


    # Install Odigos cloud
    odigos install -k <API_KEY>

    # Connect existing Odigos installation to Odigos cloud
    odigos cloud login -k <API_KEY>

    # Update the api key for an existing Odigos cloud installation
    odigos cloud update -k <API_KEY>

    # Logout from Odigos cloud
    odigos cloud logout


    -k, --api-key          api key for odigos cloud
        --yes              skip the confirmation prompt

Options inherited from parent commands

        --kubeconfig string   (optional) absolute path to the kubeconfig file