CLI Reference
odigos install
Install Odigos in your kubernetes cluster
This sub command will Install Odigos in your kubernetes cluster. It will install k8s components that will auto-instrument your applications with OpenTelemetry and send traces, metrics and logs to any telemetry backend
odigos install [flags]
# Install Odigos open-source in your cluster.
odigos install
# Install Odigos cloud in your cluster.
odigos install --api-key <your-api-key>
# Install Odigos cloud in a specific cluster
odigos install --kubeconfig <path-to-kubeconfig>
# Install Odigos onprem tier for enterprise users
odigos install --onprem-token ${ODIGOS_TOKEN} --profile ${YOUR_ENTERPRISE_PROFILE_NAME}
-k, --api-key api key for odigos cloud
-n, --namespace target k8s namespace for Odigos installation
--nowait skip waiting for odigos pods to be ready
--telemetry send general telemetry regarding Odigos usage (default true)
--openshift configure selinux in Openshift environment (default false)
--sidecar-instrumentation use sidecars for eBPF instrumentations
--odiglet-image odiglet container image name
--instrumentor-image instrumentor container image name
--autoscaler-image autoscaler container image name
--image-prefix prefix for collector images. Used when your cluster doesn't have access to docker hub.
--psp enable pod security policy
--ignore-namespace namespaces not to show in odigos ui
--ignore-container container names to exclude from instrumentation (useful for sidecar container)
--onprem-token authentication token for odigos enterprise on-premises
--profile install preset profiles with a specific configuration by name. can set multiple times
The --api-key
is required if you use Odigos Cloud.
All the other options are targeting advanced users with custom and unique use cases.
Options inherited from parent commands
--kubeconfig string (optional) absolute path to the kubeconfig file
- odigos - odigos CLI
- odigos uninstall - unistall Odigos from your cluster
- odigos upgrade - upgrade odigos version in your cluster.