Manage presets of applied profiles to your odigos installation


This command can be used to interact with the applied profiles in your odigos installation.

  • Check which profiles are currently applied to your odigos installation:
odigos profile
  • List available profiles to your installation tier:
odigos profile --available
  • Apply a profile to your odigos installation:
odigos profile add <PROFILE_NAME>
  • Remove a profile from your odigos installation:
odigos profile remove <PROFILE_NAME>


    # Enable payload collection for all supported workloads and instrumentation libraries in the cluster
    odigos profile add full-payload-collection

    # Remove the full-payload-collection profile from the cluster
    odigos profile remove full-payload-collection


    -a, --available        list all available profiles to use

Options inherited from parent commands

        --kubeconfig string   (optional) absolute path to the kubeconfig file


  • odigos - odigos CLI
  • odigos install - install Odigos on your cluster with profiles.
  • odigos upgrade - upgrade odigos version in your cluster to apply changes in new version to existing profiles.