Configuring the Causely Backend

To complete adding a new Causely backend, input the following information into the Odigos UI

Causely Destination Settings

To send Metrics/Traces to Causely, you need to configure the Causely URL in the Odigos UI. This destination is for the Causely Mediator Service, so you will need to have a Causely instance running and accessible from the k8s cluster running odigos.


The endpoint URL is the combined <protocol>://<hostname>:<port> to access your Causely Mediator service.

  • Protocol should be http; using https or omitting it will automatically be converted to http
  • Hostname should typically follow the format: mediator.<namespace>
    • namespace is the k8s namespace where the Causely Mediator service is deployed
  • Default port is 4317; if no port is specified, it will be appended automatically

Example: http://mediator.causely:4317

Adding a Destination to Odigos

Odigos makes it simple to add and configure destinations, allowing you to select the specific signals [traces/logs/metrics] that you want to send to each destination. There are two primary methods for configuring destinations in Odigos:

  1. Using the UI
    To add a destination via the UI, follow these steps:
    • Use the Odigos CLI to access the UI: Odigos UI
    odigos ui
  • In the left sidebar, navigate to the Destination page.

  • Click Add New Destination

  • Select Causely and follow the on-screen instructions.

  1. Using kubernetes manifests

Save the YAML below to a file (e.g., destination.yaml) and apply it using kubectl:

kubectl apply -f destination.yaml
kind: Destination
  name: causely-example
  namespace: odigos-system
    CAUSELY_URL: <Endpoint>
  destinationName: causely
  type: causely