For advanced users trying to implement complex observability pipelines, Odigos support sending data to any OTLP http endpoint.

  • Notice that if your backend expects OTLP over gRPC you should use the OTLP gRPC destination instead.
  • If your backend is supported natively in Odigos its recommended to use the native integration.

Can’t find your backend in Odigos? Please tell us! We are constantly adding new integrations.


The only required configuration is the endpoint of the OTLP gRPC server.

The endpoint format is http://host:port.

  • host is required
  • port is optional and defaults to the port of the scheme (80 / 443). OTLP/HTTP sometimes uses port 4318, in which case it should be specified.
  • the signal path (e.g. /v1/traces / /v1/metrics / /v1/logs) is added automatically and should not be included in the endpoint.

Using Basic Authentication

This section is relevant if your OTLP http endpoint requires basic authentication (username and password).

To configure basic authentication, use the optional config options Basic Auth Username and Basic Auth Password.