Configuring Elasticsearch Backend

The only required field is the Elasticsearch endpoint. This endpoint must be a valid URL for your Elasticsearch cluster.

  • Scheme can be http or https. If https is used
  • If port is not specified, it defaults to 9200.

The following fields are optional:

  • Traces Index - The name of the index where traces will be stored. Defaults to trace_index.
  • Logs Index - The name of the index where logs will be stored. Defaults to log_index.


If your Elasticsearch cluster uses https, you can provide the certificate authority (CA) to validate the server certificate.

The content should be the certificate in PEM format (starts with -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and ends with -----END CERTIFICATE-----).

If empty, the system root CA will be used to validate the server certificate.


If your Elasticsearch cluster requires authentication, you can provide the username and password.

Adding a Destination to Odigos

Odigos makes it simple to add and configure destinations, allowing you to select the specific signals [traces/logs/metrics] that you want to send to each destination. There are two primary methods for configuring destinations in Odigos:

  1. Using the UI
    To add a destination via the UI, follow these steps:
    • Use the Odigos CLI to access the UI: Odigos UI
    odigos ui
  • In the left sidebar, navigate to the Destination page.

  • Click Add New Destination

  • Select Elasticseach and follow the on-screen instructions.

  1. Using kubernetes manifests

Save the YAML below to a file (e.g., destination.yaml) and apply it using kubectl:

kubectl apply -f destination.yaml
kind: Destination
  name: elasticsearch-example
  namespace: odigos-system
    ELASTICSEARCH_URL: <Elasticsearch URL>
    # ES_TRACES_INDEX: <Traces Index>
    # ES_LOGS_INDEX: <Logs Index>
    # ELASTICSEARCH_CA_PEM: <CA Certificate>
    # Note: The commented fields above are optional.
  destinationName: elasticsearch
  # Uncomment the secretRef below if you are using the optional Secret.
  # secretRef:
  #   name: elasticsearch-secret

  - LOGS
  type: elasticsearch

# The following Secret is optional. Uncomment the entire block if you need to use it.
# apiVersion: v1
# data:
#   ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD: <base64 Password>
# kind: Secret
# metadata:
#   name: elasticsearch-secret
#   namespace: odigos-system
# type: Opaque